
Online Appointments

*** Please note we are currently unable to offer the booking appointments online function, due to a shortage of clinical staff at the practice.  Thank you for your patience until we are able to restore this functionality.

The Cancel an appointment online function is unaffected, so you are able to cancel pre- booked appointments by clicking on the box above. ***

Appointments System

We are currently experiencing a shortage of GP's and clinicial staff and as a result we are currently unable to offer our usual service with regards to appointments.  This means that waiting times are also a little longer. Please bear with us during this difficult period whilst we continue to recruit clinical staff.  

Your initial contact with the surgery will be with a receptionist who will ask you for your name, date of birth and brief description of your problem. The team will book you an initial telephone call with the most appropriate clinician on the day.  If the clinician feels that you need to be seen, they will offer an appointment to you directly.

Please bear in mind that local pharmacies have trained staff to be able to help you with minor illnesses such as coughs, sore throats and colds.

Please also consider using our econsult service opposite for non urgent medical problems. You are able to upload photographs within this software.

How to Make an Appointment with a Doctor or Practice Nurse

Call 01202 974700 (08:00 - 18:00) (NB: The Surgery is closed from 12:00 - 14:00 on the first Wednesday of the month) 

We offer a variety of appointments.

Please bear in mind that the volume of calls is highest between 08:00 and 08:30 so unless it is an emergency, or you would like to see a specific doctor we would advise you to ring a little later.

You can see any of our doctors as they each have access to all records and all doctors have appointments which you can pre-book in advance.  However if you wish to talk to a specific doctor, let the receptionist know.  Wherever possible they will arrange this but this cannot be guaranteed. Please be aware if you are requesting a particular GP, there may be a longer wait for an appointment with the GP of your choice.

Moordown Medical Centre reserves the right to stop a patient pre-booking appointments should they repeatedly fail to turn up for a appointment. 

Thank you for cancelling appointments that you are unable to make or no longer needs, as this allows us to offer them to other patients and cuts down waiting times.

 If you usually come to the surgery to book an appointment for the same day you will still be booked a telephone appointment with a GP for that day.

Please be aware that this system does not affect the facility to pre-book appointments in advance although you may experience a longer wait to pre-book with the GP of your choice.  The online booking service is currently disabled as we are unable operate this currently. However we are always reviewing our access and will enable this when we are able to do so.

Nurses and HCA appointments will continue to be booked by practice receptionists either in person or by phoning in.

Advice & Information

For non-urgent problems, we offer routine telephone appointments for a GP to phone you. These can be booked in advance and the doctor can phone you at any time throughout the day up until 18.30pm. Please always ensure that you provide us with the most appropriate contact number for the GP to speak to you.  Due to staff shortage the doctor is only able to try once to phone you. If you miss the call the doctor will not try again and you will have to arrange for another day. 

Don't forget to tell us when you move address or change your contact phone numbers.  This is the biggest cause of delays and frustration!

Improved Access

We are working to improve access to appointments for our patients, in particular at evenings and weekends. These appointments may be at a different site (e.g. the Urgent Treatment Centre at Bournemouth Hospital).

We work closely with our Primary Care Network partners, which are James Fisher Medical Centre, St Alban's Medical Centre and Panton Practice.  We may on occasion, subject to staffing, offer clinics out of these practices to provide additional services.  The team will be able to offer these when available.

Home Visits

These are predominantly for the elderly housebound or people who are too ill to attend the surgery.

If a visit were necessary, it would greatly assist the doctor to make the request before 11:00. However, should you feel better following your request for a doctor to visit, please telephone the surgery and cancel this asap please note:

Home Visits are not for people who do not have transport.

Please remember that several patients can be seen in the practice in the time that it takes to make one home visit. There are also better facilities for examining and treating patients at the Medical Centre.

Cancel an Appointment

It is important that you inform the reception staff if you are unable to attend your appointment, this will allow that appointment to be offered to another patient. The practice does send text reminders to patients if you have a current mobile.  Please ensure that you have consented for us to send you appointment text reminders.  Thank you for cancelling appointments you are unable to make or no longer require as this helps us to manage capacity and reduce waiting times by offering to other patients.

If you persistently fail to notify the Practice that you are unable to attend appoiontments, you may be removed from our practice register.

You can also complete our appointment cancellation notification request form at the top of this page. This can only be used if your appointment has been arranged for more than 24 hours in advance. (excluding weekends and public holidays). You can also text to cancel your appointment.

Not Registered for Online Services?

Text Reminder Service

We have a texting service which allows you to receive confirmation and reminders about your appointments.  Whilst we endeavour to support you to manage and attend your appointments, this is not a 100% fail safe service .  Please ensure you take responsibility for managing and attending your booked appointments.

To have this service you will need to register by completing a consent form.  Please click on the Sign Up for SMS Reminders link opposite and complete the form.

Please remember to update your contact details with us when you change address, telephone numbers and email address.